Additional Artist Creations:
Found Wood
Code: 72PGART2
Price: $2,800.00
Quantity in Basket:
Code: 72PGSCL1
Price: $10,000.00
Quantity in Basket:
Secret of Love
Code: 72PGSCL2
Price: $5,000.00
Quantity in Basket:
Small Table
Code: 72PGFRN1
Price: $4,500.00
Quantity in Basket:
Two Buddha
Code: 72PGSCL3
Price: $2,800.00
Quantity in Basket:
Under the Sun
Code: 72PGSCL4
Price: $5,700.00
Quantity in Basket:
Wall Pyramid
Code: 72PGSCL5
Price: $3,000.00
Quantity in Basket:
Washington DC
Code: 72PGSCL6
Price: $12,000.00
Quantity in Basket:
The art I make with found materials is initially inspired in the moment of finding. Coming across beauty in unexpected places at no particular time causes an excitement deep inside of me, much like the excitement I felt as a kid finding golf balls in the woods or river ( I was an avid golf ball hunter and golfer), or feel now meeting a beautiful stranger who sees me back. Walking with my good friend Raul once, I was trying to explain to him the “finding” . We were near some discarded wood I felt compelled to go look at and he stated succinctly an idea I wish I had thought of years ago when trying write an artist statement. He said, “ You wake up sleeping art.” What I do with the materials back in my studio takes many different directions Primarily, I seek to reveal that once-sleeping beauty in ways that can be funny, metaphorical, ironic or just plain beautiful.