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Little Egret by Lawrie Simonson

Little Egret

Little Egret
Qty in Basket: None
Code: 111LSSCL5
Price: $4,250.00
Dimensions: 37.4" H x 2.5" W


Made from recycled metal, wood, and resin parts.

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Additional Artist Creations:

Code: 111LSSCL7
Price: $3,500.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Reddish Egret
Code: 111LSSCL6
Price: $3,900.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Code: 111LSSCL4
Price: $2,900.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Code: 111LSSCL3
Price: $3,900.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Church Yard Beetle
Code: 111LSSCL2
Price: $3,400.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Chrome Bug
Code: 111LSSCL1
Price: $5,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none

The use of metal and found objects in my sculpture is, I feel, a progression from the traditional and conventional manner in Which artists have interpreted nature and animals? Parts for these welded sculptures shown here have been collected from various skips and industrial wastelands in and around London. The supply is endless and fruitful. From childhood plants, animal and insect life have intrigued me. Being brought up in the Green Belt of North London, I had plenty of opportunity to observe nature from nearby woods, streams, ponds and lakes. I am a member and a frequent visitor to London Zoo! I feel I have succeeded in amalgamating this fascination with nature into my creative work. My aim is to capture the essence and soul of the subject matter. To me, animals, birds and insects have a humour, vulnerability and simplicity that I transmute into sculptural form

 Please contact us for additional information or photographs.