Looking Out by Michele Brody
Looking Out

Qty in Basket:
Code: 65MBINS2
Price: $9,500.00
7’10’’H x 10’W x 15’L
Five sets of large format photographs taken of mid-town Manhattan from the 19th floor at 57th Street, printed on backlit vinyl, hang from a copper pipe structure supporting a front layer of nylon curtains. The curtains are two layers sewn together with pockets that trace the outlines of the background cityscape. Within each pocket is planted grass seed, which is watered by a recycling drip irrigation system supplied by pumps from stainless steel reservoirs at the base of each curtain. The piece is lit from behind by daylight balanced fluorescent bulbs.
Additional Artist Creations:
Michele maintains an interdisciplinary practice, which incorporates a wide spectrum of resources and techniques that constantly explore a range of approaches to communicating how we live with change. The majority of her portfolio includes the creation of environmental installations that support the growth of plants in handmade paper, fabric, and industrial constructions, which alter and transform as they go through a full life cycle during the course of an exhibition. These large-scale fabrications utilize unique lighting, water irrigation systems, natural and recorded sounds to evoke a visceral encounter that questions the tenuous relationship between humans, nature, time and the built environment.
Displayed September 2004 Littlejohn Contemporary, Project Room Installation New York, NY.