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Parting The Skies

Parting The Skies

Parting The Skies
Qty in Basket: None
Code: 248JLASM5
Price: $18,000.00
Dimensions: 48" H x 48" W


On PolyFiber Medium-1 Fabric. PolyGloss aviation-grade polyurethane (Nevada Silver, Christen Eagle Purple, J-3 Cub Yellow, Glacier White, Dakota Black, Insignia White, Tennessee Red, Diana Cream). Aluminum sheet metal element from unidentified aircraft showing natural corrosion. Skies open and skies close. Hours pass. Parting the Skies with wingtips as partners flying in formation. A glimpse of ground; flashes of warm purples and cooler grays. Destinations? Who needs them !

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Additional Artist Creations:

Code: 248JLSCL1
Price: $12,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none
AT-6: Star
Code: 248JLASM1
Price: $18,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Flight In Yellow and Purple I
Code: 248JLASM2
Price: $11,500.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Night Before I
Code: 248JLASM3
Price: $4,100.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Sunset Flight at Dawn
Code: 248JLASM4
Price: $18,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Pilot Eyes
Code: 248JLASM6
Price: $1,200.00
Quantity in Basket: none

 Please contact us for additional information or photographs.