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Qty in Basket: None
Code: 248JLSCL1
Price: $12,000.00
Dimensions: 36" H x 48" W


Vintage aviation parts on aluminum plate. Wing rib and doubler elements from B-17 aircraft.  Assorted AN rivets and fasteners. Frosted images masked and bead blasted on the surface of 6061-T3 aluminum plate. Aviation was born on the cusp of futurism. Picasso and Duchamps were not surprised. Along the way of the last century, to present endeavors in outer space, flight advanced in pace with art movements throughout the world. Aero-Deco poses for us on the cusp of Art Deco and Modernism. Deco geometries emerge from sheet metal parts dedicated to state-of-the-art aviation in the 1940's.

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Additional Artist Creations:

AT-6: Star
Code: 248JLASM1
Price: $18,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Flight In Yellow and Purple I
Code: 248JLASM2
Price: $11,500.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Night Before I
Code: 248JLASM3
Price: $4,100.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Sunset Flight at Dawn
Code: 248JLASM4
Price: $18,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Parting The Skies
Code: 248JLASM5
Price: $18,000.00
Quantity in Basket: none
Pilot Eyes
Code: 248JLASM6
Price: $1,200.00
Quantity in Basket: none

 Please contact us for additional information or photographs.